Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Busy Month!
August treated Kinley well! We had our 2 month dr. appointment at 11 weeks. Kinley is growing fast - she is now 14 pounds, 3 ounces and 24 inches long! This is the exact same size her daddy was at the same age! This puts her in the 95% for weight and 90% for height. She was a brave little girl at the doctor when she got two shots and an oral vaccine. Then we slept for the rest of the day!
Jay had to go work in Austin for a few days so we packed up and hit the road with him. Jay dropped us off in Taylor to visit Kinley's greatgrama and greatgrampa Rose. We had such a great time being spoiled rotten! Kinley gave greatgrama lots of smiles and in return, greatgrama gave me lots of yummy treats and 3 cooked meals each day! We didn't want to come back home!
I also wanted to post some bath pics of Kinley...she really does get crazy hair! I have a feeling she is going to have some curl like her mom. Poor thing :)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
2 Months Old!
Kinley loves camo!
Kinley's first trick...the indian!
Kinley is two months old! Time sure does fly by! Our girl is just getting so cute and so big! She will do a "trick" now. If we make an indian noise with our hand over our mouth she will do the same. It's just too cute! Aunt Alyssa has been here for the past two weeks and she goes home tomorrow. We are VERY sad to see her go. I have gotten the house spick and span with her help.
Alyssa and I met with a potential sitter for Kinley and we loved her! She is a stay at home mom with a 9 month old daughter. She would only keep Kinley so I love all the attention she would get! Her daughter was very cute and smiley which I think is a reflection of the love she gets from her mom. We are going to meet Allison (the sitter) and her husband for dinner so Jay has a chance to meet her before we make our final decision. Its very hard for me to imagine leaving her with anyone but me! But unfortunately I cannot stay at home forever.
I will post another update with her new stats from the doctor next week. We are sure she is a big girl :)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Splish Splash - 1st Pool Day!!
My first bathing suit!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Our chunky monkey!
Preppy girl!!
Ready to go fishing with daddy!
Kinley had a checkup at 5 weeks this week and what a chunky monkey she is! She is now up to 10 pounds, 11 ounces, 21.25 inches long! Guess all our hours of eating are paying off! We got the ok from the doctor on letting her sleep as long as she wants at night, which makes me a very happy camper!
We also set a date for Kinley's baptism. She will be baptized on September 26, 2010 at our church here in Richmond - Faith United Methodist Church. Grandma Taylor and Auntie Tammie are even making a special trip down so they don't miss it!
Auntie Alyssa is coming back for two weeks at the end of July! She misses our girl so much she had to get one more trip in before she heads to college! I sure will appreciate the help and will use my sister to help me complete some projects around the house!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
1 Month Old!!
Kinley's first trip to Grammy's river house
Daddy daughter time!
Grandma was such a special visitor!!
My how time flies!! We can't believe our Kinley girl is already one month old! She's had a very busy month full of special visits from special people! She's also taken a couple of mini road trips as we discovered she enjoys the car (as long as she is full and asleep)! At about 2 weeks old we took a day trip out to Galveston to hang out with Josh and Leah and let dad get some fishing time. Mom and Leah...well, they got projectile poop :) Then Grandma and Grandpa Taylor, along with Auntie Lyss,Uncle Danny and Great Grandma and Grandpa Rose came for a visit. We really appreciated the late night help from Grandma! They stayed for about a week and a half and of course we were all sad when it was time for them to go back to Massachusetts! This week we spent the 5th of July at the cape! Kinley really enjoys the breeze blowing her pretty hair and was quite a relaxed girl at the cape! Once we got home, Grammy invited us to spend a couple of nights at her new river house in New Braunfels. So we packed up and headed out. Kinley was spoiled with extra special attention from Grammy and her friend Nellie and I was spoiled with multiple napping opportunities!
Kinley has really started sleeping well at night. I usually feed her around midnight and then she is down until about 6:30! We cannot believe how lucky we are! Of course we still have our "not so great" nights, but we appreciate the good nights when they come! Kinley is quite alert for being only one month old! She loves to watch ceiling fans spin round. She has even been passing out smiles to us on occasion and will kick her legs when she is entertained.
Kinley's newborn pics have been uploaded to the photographer's website. www.kellybrandom.com Click at the bottom where it says "client log in" then find the Williamson III album. Our password is 6319...enjoy!! We think they turned out pretty good considering Kinley was not in the best mood...and neither was her mom :)
All in all a great first month for our girl!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Introducing Kinley Rose Williamson
Kinley on Great Grama Frantz's quilt
our sweet angel baby!
Our first family photo!
Jay and I are thrilled to announce the birth of Kinley Rose. She was born on June 9, 2010 at 7:28 a.m. She was 7 lbs and 4 oz.
I woke up on Tuesday morning with contractions, but just assumed that it was false labor as I was still over a week away from my due date. I went into work like always, with contractions that were about 20 minutes apart. Throughout the day I was timing them (there really is an app for everything!!) and noticed after lunch they were down to about 10 minutes apart and getting more painful. I was trying to finish up a big project with my manager, but by 7 pm, the contractions were 6-8 minutes apart and quite painful so I went home. I went for a walk while Jay speed-mowed the yard but they didn't stop. About 10 pm the contractions were pretty bad so I called my doctor. We headed to the hospital and checked in. I was 5-6 cm!! I got my epidural and took a nice nap, to be woken up to push! We pushed about 2.5 hours, but Kinley's head was lodged in my pelvis so we had to get a c-section instead. I was really disappointed, but she came out perfect so we won't complain! We were in the hospital until Saturday and were VERY ready to head home!
Life has been great ever since. We sleep when we can but have found that life with baby is exhausting (which explains our lack of blogging)! She is doing very well and had gained 10 ounces after only 4 days of being home. Daddy went back to work and I spend my days trying to keep Ms. Kinley happy! It is going to take some adjusting for me as I am so used to being at work and having that interaction with adults! But no complaints from Pickett Hill!