It has been a long couple of weeks for us! Last week Jay traveled to Germany for work which meant long days at work for dad, and long days at home for mom! Normally Jay does drop off duty in the mornings, which lets me get out the door early and allows Kinley to sleep a little later. But when dad is gone, we have to get out the door by 6 am...and yes, I am looking for a little sympathy! But we made it, and dad made it home. We had a really nice, relaxing long weekend.
On Monday, Kinley had an EEG. Her Neurologist wants to try to ween her off her medicines - she is still on two meds twice a day. But before we can come off the meds, we need to make sure she isn't having seizures in the background. The test was at 7:30 am, so it was an early morning for all. In spite of all the cute bows that Kinley wears, she actually hates people messing with her hair so we were not very optimistic about this test. And...we were right :) It was terrible. They had to measure out and place 27 electrodes on her head :( she was screaming so loud that it didn't even sound like Kinley. We tried and tried to console her, but it didn't even come close to working. She did finally settle once the electrodes were on and we played Mickey Mouse for her to watch. But then, of course, Mickey had to be shut off so they could flash strobe lights for part 2 of the test. Part three was "well, not that your kid is screaming like a banshee, please put her to sleep". Oy vey! I convinced him to let me pick her up and the poor thing was so exhausted that she crashed after a couple "My Bonnie Lies Over the Oceans" and a bottle. That peacefulness lasted maybe 15 or so minutes before it was time for part 4, wake the kid back up. (sigh). Luckily, they let her watch Mickey again and she was all smiles and "mi ka"s. The test finally ended and it was time for what I assumed would be the most fun part...taking off the 27 electrodes and the tap and "glue" that was holding them on. And it was as much fun as it sounds. Needless to say, we were very happy to head out the door and get back home. Mom and dad were really looking forward to a great, exhausted Kinley nap. Yeah right!!! K decided to stay up and...whine. All day. The poor thing. So I kept her as happy as I could as I dragged her to doctor appointment number 2. She had a follow up appointment with the Rehab Specialist that helped us getting her leg and hand braces. The doctor was cracking up because she couldn't even keep her eyes open. Thanks to rush hour, we had quite a long drive home and she did finally nap for a few minutes. We were so ready for the day to be over.

before EEG :)

And now mom is fighting a mental breakdown :) It's just funny to me because pre-baby, if we had faced a challenging day, we would spend the rest of the day sleeping, lounging, watching tv, having take out. And now, there is just no down time, and there are so many more stresses. But I guess that is life!
I am really looking forward to this weekend! We have our weekly music class on Saturday, which Kinley loves! And then we get to celebrate cousin Brooke's 4th birthday. Hunting season starts this weekend, so you can guess where you can find dad :) But I am sure he is going to be SUPER appreciative of the time away and will take over and give me a small break when he gets home!
We should have the EEG results in a few days...I will keep you posted. Pray for us! We so desperately want good news!!!
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