I think the title says it all. One year ago today Team Kinley gathered, both in person and "virtually" to support a little girl as she underwent a Hemispherectomy. My facebook page was flooded with people in their pink as we waited and waited. Some time around 11 pm, our hero, otherwise known as Dr. Curry, came out and told us that the surgery was a success! Today my facebook page was flooded with pictures of pink cupcakes to celebrate. One year seizure free. A friend of mine told me that last year she was saying just think of where she will be this time next year. Well, here we are, so let me just tell you what she's up to :)
Here is a video of Kinley "running" at home tonight. Please focus on Kinley and not the status of our house :)
She is also, very consistently, able to use lefty. She can put it in her clothes, lift it on to the tray of her high chair, and use it, actually use it, to play. Such an exciting time for Kinley!
So last night I made 100 cupcakes to send to therapy and Jay's office to celebrate. My back was killing me but it was so worth it. And I must say, my piping skills are improving :)

Kiney enjoyed her cupcake in Speech Therapy, where all the therapists, even the ones that don't treat Kinley, wore pink!

We just feel so blessed. Thinking back at how overwhelmed we were with uncertainty of her future, it is just amazing to sit back and watch her grow. If only we had known then that everything would be ok!
So here's to another year, Team Kinley. I can't wait to look back on this day next year and remember it as the year that Kinley started walking, talking in sentences and wowing us all! She has done amazing things in this year, but the best is yet to come.
We love Team Kinley!!
p.s. one final picture just to drive my point home...k right after surgery on year ago.
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